Full Spectrum (wholeplant) CBD, Broad Spectrum CBD and CBD Isolate – Full Spectrum CBD – contains all of the compounds that naturally occur in the cannabis plant including THC and CBN (in legal amounts), CBG, CBC amongst others not forgetting the terpenes &...
CBD Isolate Oil in the UK – The rise of the isolate CBD oil When CBD was first introduced in the UK market there was only one kind you could buy. This was a full spectrum CBD oil and included all of the molecules in the hemp plant. This included THC...
Your guide to the ultimate CBD skincare experience Materials Needed: CBD skincare body oil Warm bathwater (if using as a bath oil) Your favourite body towel or robe Step 1: Choose Your Ideal CBD Skincare Oil (Leafline of course) ! Start by selecting a CBD skincare...
How can CBD be used in skincare? Firstly we need to know how the human body absorbs CBD. There are a number of ways that CBD can enter the body. For example, when consuming CBD orally, drops will be placed under the tongue which is probably the most efficient and...
How CBD can be used for relaxation Stress can impact your body and mind in many forms it can become a problem in your life and personal relationships if not dealt with in time and managed. So if we know how to elevate stress on the inside. How can we change the...
What effect does CBD have on the skin and body? CBD, known as Cannabidiol, is a powerful compound that comes from the cannabis plant. For centuries, there have been countless documented uses of the plant for its various medicinal and therapeutic benefits. Over the...